Thursday March 6, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am CST
Work Based Learning Cooperative Alternative Education (COOP) is a program geared to at-risk youth.  It is a program which will help develop 21st century essential skills for the career/workplace for at-risk youth.  The program will help guide the students through;  credit recovery, post-secondary decision-making, developing resumes and cover letters, improving interviewing skills, various career exposures,  and financial literacy skills, as well as having the students develop a senior capstone portfolio which they will take with them and use in the real world. Our goal is that once our students have successfully completed this and graduated, they can be successful contributors to the community and break the low socio-economic cycle in order to improve their lives and make positive decisions in their lives.

Karen Tobin

Teacher, Dream Academy
Thursday March 6, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am CST

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